

Cofidis Group: committed to tackling the health crisis

Covid-19 and the lockdown resulted in an unprecedented crisis scenario for all the Group’s locations. However, such circumstances shone a light on the strong shared values of our entire staff.

An agile group
in extraordinary times

In all locations, our brands prioritised safeguarding the health of their employees whilst ensuring the continuity of essential business for our customers and partners. After a two-week period, 90% of Group employees had sufficient remote working access and employees who remained on-site benefitted from safer working conditions.
The need to keep employees connected quickly led to a surge in creativity, fuelled by energy and positive thinking. This was reflected in concerts, yoga lessons and cooking contests, which were all held virtually of course. Together, these initiatives helped us to rethink well-being in the workplace, a value that we strongly uphold as a company. Our team managers have also adapted their interactions with teams using Skype coffee sessions and all kinds of support messages. Furthermore, Cofidis France has made its e-learning platform available. It provides an opportunity to upskill in the event of a slowdown in activity.
Above all, though, our community values and long-standing commitment have seen us through.

Brands committed to the cause

The Group swiftly provided hospitals in the Hauts-de-France region with 50,000 surgical masks. Through this action, Cofidis joined the national effort to support healthcare teams working on the front lines every day to protect us. Creatis also donated masks to the French Red Cross organisation, which supports the most vulnerable members of society, who are the first victims of the epidemic. Cofidis France participated in the “un monde de liens” programme launched by the Fondation Boulanger by offering 5,000 tablets to the Foundation Hôpitaux de Paris – Hôpitaux de France. Lastly, monabanq increased its support for the SOS Children’s Villages France charity by offering a matching contribution for any donation given by customers.

Multiple employee-driven initiatives

Cofidis Spain has implemented a grant for solidarity hours so that co-workers may voluntarily give some of their free working hours to their co-workers without government support. In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, a call for volunteers to sew protective masks went out. Because all our brands pride themselves on the symmetry of attention, our employees have instinctively 
extended their solidarity initiatives to support others. As such, in the Czech Republic, mask production was expanded to retirement homes and in Italy, employees donated hours and their paid leave days to hospitals, for a total of €3,000. Meanwhile, Cofidis Hungary connected active regional volunteer networks.

Employees reveal their personal commitments

Last but not least, the Group pays tribute to its employees working on the front lines: one employee who is a long-standing volunteer for the French Red Cross was immediately released by Monabanq while Cofidis Portugal discovered talents in its ranks such as a volunteer firefighter and an employee who created a platform for children’s stories.
We are proud of our employees and our commitments. Together through our show of solidarity and our supportive and responsible actions, we will navigate these testing times.


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