Jeunes personnes qui se tapent dans la main en souriant


Creatis starts with the remote skills sponsorship.

Solidarity has always been a value defended by Creatis. This is why, the company has been helping associations for many years. Today, Creatis wants to go forward starting with the skills sponsorship TV.

Due to the current health situation, it’s impossible to move to the association’s headquarters. However, Creatis would like more than ever to be committed and proposes to its employees a new way to continue their voluntary activities: the sponsorship TV.

The skills sponsorship TV makes it possible to carry out some solidary actions by putting the know-how and expertise of an employee at the service of an association, for an indefinite goal and duration, all at distance. Thanks to the Microdon platform, Creatis‘s employees can choose the association they want to work with, among ten structures. They can easily connect to the platform and Microdon make the connection between employees and association and organizes the implementation of the sponsorship device.

The associations in which the employees will work with, defend the priority commitment of Cofidis Group: inclusion and protection of the environment. This project will therefore strengthen the group’s CSR actions which are #Like and #LikeMyPlanet.


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