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#LikeMyPlanet: “No Ads” stickers for all Cofidis France employees

At the end of 2020, Cofidis France launched “Teamstarter”, a platform which allows employees to suggest and fund projects close to their hearts. Several months later, and one of our employees is sending “No Ads” stickers to all Cofidis France employees as a contribution to the Group’s #LikeMyPlanet environmental initiative

In France, the simple act of placing a “No Ads” sticker on a letterbox can save 40 tonnes of waste from being produced per household per year! That’s where Valérie R. got the idea for her project on Teamstarter: to produce enough “No Ads” stickers for all the employees of Cofidis Group and even a few extras for their families.

In line with Cofidis Group’s commitment to protecting the environment, each sticker also includes the #LikeMyPlanet logo. This excellent initiative is a fine example of visibility for our CSR approach and further showcases our employees’ sense of commitment and creativity.


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