Cofidis France raises awareness of global warming among its 1,628 employees in less than 6 months by deploying la Fresque du climat


Cofidis France deploys la Fresque du climat to its 1600 employees!

Cofidis France has been involved in the group's environmental initiative #LikeMyPlanet for the past 3 years and has taken another step forward by taking on the challenge of raising awareness of global warming among its 1,628 employees in less than 6 months by deploying la Fresque du climat.

A large-scale program in line with Cofidis France's commitment

At Cofidis France, la Fresque du climat is to make everyone aware, in their personal and professional lives, of the climate issues that face us and thus give each employee the same level of information as our political leaders, whatever their job or status, with : 

  • More than 40 3-hour workshops
  • An objective of 100% of employees aware of the issue
  • A system that extends to all new recruits
  • A team of 23 employees who became fresco artists after 24 hours of training

By co-constructing their mural with the help of a card game based on the IPCC reports, the employees experience collective intelligence around a common cause, increase their knowledge on the subject of climate change, find actions to deal with climate change and identify ways to reduce our group carbon footprint.

An extraordinary experience

Extraordinary ambition, extraordinary activity! Deploying la Fresque du climat on such a large scale and in record time requires an extraordinary organization. This is why the group’s French subsidiary relied on 23 volunteer employees to become actors in getting their colleagues to take action on the environmental issue. Over the course of several training sessions, they enriched their knowledge of the climate, developed leadership and facilitation reflexes, and became more comfortable speaking in public… In short, they acquired skills that were often far removed from their initial job.

One step closer to becoming Entreprise à mission

The train is on the move to take Cofidis towards the status of Entreprise à mission*. In line with our raison d’être “Together, listen and act”, we are convinced that understanding is the first step towards action. By deploying la Fresque du climat on this scale, Cofidis France is committed to actively contributing to the ecological transition in order to :

  • Build the project together
  • Exchange, debate, listen and become aware
  • Have all the keys in hand to act!

Together, Listen and Act

*Entreprise à mission is a French legal framework in which businesses pursue a set social and environmental purpose with specific sustainability goals.


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