Overturn the stereotype projected onto disabled people at Cofidis Group

Temporary or permanent disability, slight or severe: Cofidis Group is committed in a concrete way to diversity and disability in order to position itself as a welcoming disabled group, in complete accordance with its #Like inclusion approach.

A welcoming disabled group

Imbued with strong human values, Cofidis Group is committed to offering everyone the same opportunities. This is why the group has been committed for decades to diversity and the fight against exclusion, and for many years has been carrying out concrete actions for people with disabilities, both customers and employees.


For our clients

DeafiLine: To make its services accessible to deaf or hard of hearing people, Cofidis Group in France offers the DeafiLine solution. Customers and prospects can benefit from sign language translation during conversations with our webcam or chat advisors. The application is available from a computer, a tablet or a smartphone. In 2020, more than 4,800 sign language translations were completed.

For our employees

Cofidis Group recruits, supports and retains disabled employees. The group encourages the integration of disabled workers by :

  • adapting their work stations, both in the office and at home
  • organising awareness-raising actions on the Recognition of the Status of Disabled Workers
  • training employees with disabilities to enable them to move internally, and/or to move to a new position.
  • relying on 1 group diversity referent and 8 disability correspondents in the 4 French subsidiaries
  • raising awareness among managers, human resources and employees of Cofidis France, Creatis, Monabanq and Synergie through training, conferences and experiments, such as an escape game.

Today, more than 100 disabled employees work with motivation and for their skills on the Cofidis Group campus in France, respecting and keeping their situation discreet, with the benevolence necessary to work well together, to help the group progress and to succeed professionally with a disability.

Discover these initiatives that “cliché clash” in pictures.


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