Bannière article (2)


12 labels and certifications reward our excellence in customer relations in 2022

We are proud to applaud our European subsidiaries for the 12 labels and certifications obtained in 2022. These awards testify to our determination to share with our customers and partners an experience that creates emotion and authenticity, an experience that puts people at the heart of everything, and this has been the key to our success for over 40 years.

Customer satisfaction comes first!

Satisfying both our customers and our partners is rooted in our DNA. The development of this culture is based on listening, analyzing, considering and understanding our customers’ needs and expectations. Thanks to the dedication of all our teams across Europe, this year we can once again congratulate ourselves on the satisfaction of our customers and partners. Once again, they have shown their level of trust in us through these 12 awards received in 2022.

Cofidis France 

Certified “Happy Team, Happy Customers” for the implementation of Symmetry of Attentions.

Cofidis Italie

Certified Best Customer service of the year.

Cofidis Portugal 

Certified “Consumer’s Choice” for the 11th year running.

Cofidis Espagne 

Certified Customer Service of the Year in the “Credit Institutions” category for the 9th time.

Cofidis Hongrie 

Triply awarded for excellence in customer relations in the “Face-to-face Customer service”, “Call center” and “e-customer” categories.

Cofidis République tchèque 

Certified Couronne d’or du crédit consommation and in the top 10 of the Responsible Credit Index.

Cofidis Slovaquie 

Certified Top Loyalty Improvement & Top Employee Approach.


Certified Customer Service of the Year in the “Online Banking” category for the 6th time.

Symmetry of attention at the heart of our relational excellence

Listening, consideration and attention are values that have been recognized to date by our customers in our BtoC activities, and underlined by the Symetry of attention label, which confirms our credo “A happy Employee = A happy Customer”. In 2022, Cofidis France’s BtoB business was awarded the same label, because a happy employee is also a happy partner! This is how we build relationships of trust with our partners.

Well done to all our subsidiaries: it’s only by working together that we can bring our Group’s customer culture to life!


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